Friday, August 21, 2009


Hello all... for those of you are still aware of my occasional (rare) presence here.

I am still alive, healthy and sober. Actually I may possibly be in, or on my way to being in, the best physical and mental condition in my life... or at least that I can recall, LOL

I recently marked an annual anniversary in sobriety, 2 years... and it feels good, really good. Knowing that I have been sober more 24's in a row than I probably had been cumulatively in half of my life, well that is nothing short of a miracle! Thank you God!

I have been working the program and learning about and working the steps. Some of my 9th step amends are behind me but I still have much work to do. I have been doing service whenever possible and helping others as much as I am able when God gives me the chance to. I also went on a Matt Talbot retreat a few months ago and found it to be an incredible experience.

I have been attending a local gym at least 3x per week for the past few months now and I am feeling and seeing results. I am also approaching 2 years without a cigarette, I gave them up about four months into sobriety and have not looked back... I gave them up to God, asking Him to remove the desire, the urge to smoke, just as He did with the alcohol and drugs... it worked!

Also, along the way these past few months I managed to remove the last 'chemical' from my system. I had been on a doctor prescribed medication for anxiety/depression for 11 years which I no longer need. With the help of my doc I was able to wean myself off of that medicine and have been free of it for nearly four months... and miraculously, I didn't kill myself or anyone else! I truly feel better than ever... mentally, physically and spiritually.

So, a day at a time I am doing the best I can for myself and those around me. I try to remain open to God's will for me and pray for my will to be more closely aligned with His. I love life, every day, even when the day is nothing like what I may have planned or expected.

I wish I had more time to blog more regularly and communicate with you all here but I do appreciate the fact that you are here none the less. I hope and pray that you all are having a great summer season and that life is going as good as it possibly can.

Thanks for letting me share... take care... God bless...


Wait. What? said...

Good to know you are still around.

I can apprecaite your comments about the routine gym work outs - it has a way of clearing my head...

Syd said...

Glad that you posted and that all is going well. Quite a feat to get off the medication. Good for you.

Tall Kay said...

Congratulations on 2 years! What a miracle. Sobriety is definitely a gift. God bless and keep goin up the Steps!

clean and crazy said...

it is good to hear a fellow like me has some great recovery going on, congratulations on your clean date and i am grateful you were able to stop smoking as well. and i agree with syd, about the medication. funny how changing our attitudes and behaviors, makes us less dependent on anything outside of ourselves to feel good inside. we had this power all along, the steps show us how to utilize this, i am glad to hear you are doing so well.